Whānau wellbeing
TOMM® will assist you in your work with whānau by evidencing changes in wellbeing for whānau over time.
Introductory offer
FREE customisation for service providers and schools who sign up before the end of March.
Customisation is how we nuance the model to best meet your needs.
We record ethnicities accurately by allowing each individual to create their own thumbprint. For Māori, individuals may record as many iwi and as many hapu as they identify with.
TOMM® will assist you in your work with whānau by evidencing changes in wellbeing for whānau over time.
TOMM® shows which interventions and combinations of interventions a person has responded to and which they have not, assisting you to deliver the best service possible for each of your clients.
During customisation you’ll find we take a flexible approach to ensure the model meets the requirements of your organisation. The only thing we will never never do is move the person and whānau from the centre. It’s our one unbreakable rule.
Information at your fingertips supports professionals and organisations over all to engage in reflective practice.
TOMM® is not a deficit model; it measures strengths as well as challenges for each individual.
TOMM® provides a language that is shared across multiple modalities. Descriptors provide consistent and reliable assessments.
Capture the voices of the people you walk alongside. Provide a secure way for them to feed back how they are feeling about themselves, the services and support they received.
Recording changes in wellbeing in real time provides your team with maximum opportunities provide earliest possible intervention.
Evidencing an individual's response to interventions means individualised pathways may be created for each individual.
As well as the holistic wellbeing framework of measurements, TOMM® has multiple tools for measuring other indicators of interest.
TOMM® will team you: Clients assigned to each team member. Time spent with each. If assessments are up to date. And more!
Knowing what’s going on as it’s going on means you can deliver a fully responsive agile service in real time. Really.
You'll enjoy accessing flexible filters as well as reporting templates tailored specially for you to meet all reporting requirements for your organisation.
A clear picture of your clients' needs supports a clear direction for targeting your resources.
Intuitive user experience means you’ll be navigating your way around in no time. if you need help, just call.
The framework of measurements that sit at the heart of TOMM® are framed by Te whare tapa whā making it highly relevant for any setting in Aotearoa.
Safely share information within your organisation and other organisations to improve outcomes. Yes your client must consent.
Evidencing outcomes improves the conversation with your funders. The better informed your funders are, the better placed they are to support you to support those you walk alongside
TOMM®'s robust security measures mean you can confidently access your account anywhere, anytime you have internet access.
Accurate measurements mean funders and ministries are able to make informed decisions about how best to direct funds to assist in achieving the best possible outcomes.
To ensure that all data entry is accurate all users must complete training the day before gaining access to the model.